Douliu Hash #20 Run Report

Douliu Hash #20 was a beautiful 5.5km trail put together by Crampee Buxibum and DDT. The trail had many ups and downs as it wove around Lantan Reservoir before finishing at a scenic pagoda overlooking the lake.


We had our hares up to drink to congratulate DDT on another successful hare run in Douliu, and Crampee Buxibum for his successful virgin hare run.

MotorMouth was up next, as he had left Taiwan since his last Douliu Hash.

As usual, we had several first timers on the trail: Joy, Christian, Tom, Croc, Erick, Eleanor, and Johan (Nipsucker from the KHHH). We also had five 2nd timers: Bobby & Carla, Lucy, Una, and Jean.

No third timers, but Hairy Fucker was given his 10 run patch. ON ON to 20 Douliu runs!

TLH3 shirts are still available at Roxy’s. NT$350 and all sizes are available. Support the hash! Buy a shirt!
Roxy’s is hosting Sunday BBQs. Bring your own meat; Roxy’s provides salads and sides. Beautiful weather, bbq; it’s always a good time.
This Monday is Absolut’s birthday. She’ll be at the Sunday BBQ to celebrate.

At this point, SGT completely forgot about the hashits, so we went ahead and did a few general penalties before coming back. It mostly involved Croc giving some convoluted speech about getting directions from CB.

-Men’s Hashit-
2nd timer Bobby had the men’s hashit and came up with 3 fine nominations.

  • Johan – For running on the walker’s trail
  • HF – For running on the walker’s trail
  • Carla – For losing her cock (the women’s hashit)

Carla easily won the nomination and will carry the men’s hashit on the next run.

-Women’s Hashit-
2nd timer Carla should have had the women’s hashit, but she managed to lose it; thus, she had to drink. Afterwards, she came up with 3 nominations:

  • Tom – For being more unfit than her, but still making it through the trail
  • Croc – for an amazing outfit (see the gallery)
  • DDT & CB – For making a difficult trail with too many stairs

The last nomination being a bit weak, Croc easily won and celebrated by sliding the women’s hashit between his butt cheeks.

DDT nominated 1st timer Joy for getting lost on the way to the start by ducking out of the convoy, doing a U-Turn, and fucking off down some road. As it was, it worked out well as the convoy had to pull over to wait for Croc and her to catch up.

Croc nominated 1st timer Johan for taking the wrong trail and coming in late (should have been shorter/quicker?).

MotorMouth rightfully nominated Hairy Fucker for mismarking the trail and leading us into the mountains AGAIN when the proper trail was straight down the road.

SGT had a canoodling down down for Lucy and Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell who were getting quite frisky with each other.

Croc nominated Absolute for suffering from SAPFS – Sexual Arousal Pink Face Syndrome – whatever that is.

Bobby and Carla went off to the bathroom and were nominated on their return for “making room” for the drinks they were about to down down.

DDT had a down down for SGT and his bad predictions, saying that MotorMouth wouldn’t say three words, when in fact he was quite talkative (but quiet) during the down down.

1st timer Tom had a down down for 2nd timer Jean for saying on trail “I don’t know where I am” and breaking out her GPS.

Croc nominated the red haired vixen Una for being quiet and we commented on her fashion choice of mixing Puma and Adidas wear.

DDT nominated iPod for self appointing himself trailmaster for the next three months. Way to step up!

Finally, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell had the last down down as he will be heading back to the US for a spell. ON ON to seeing him back on the Douliu Hash soon!

Thanks to everyone for 20 great runs! ON ON to 30 runs!






One response to “Douliu Hash #20 Run Report”

  1. Crampee Buxibum Avatar
    Crampee Buxibum

    I’d like to thank all of the people from near and far(DouLio, Tainan, KH, Taichung and whatever hamlet is graced with Croc’s fashion sense) who came out for the Lan Tan hash run. I’m glad that you all enjoyed (endured might be a better word) the trail and got to see a pretty part of Taiwan. I promise, the next one will be flatter, Karla.

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