Douliu Hash 51 Run Report – “1 Old Buck and 2 Does in Heat”

CBB, BBB, and virgin hare The Itch took us into the mountains, past a giant golden Buddha, and up and down a lot of stairs on a “1 Old Buck and 2 Does in Heat” run. The successful hares shared a drink, followed by welcome backs. After the rabid packs of first and second timers, we had two third timers: Chen and Leanne. Chen was named MacDaddy for his great love of Apple products and the delicacies of the golden arches, as well as his fatherly abilities. Leanne was named Ninja Hooker for the awesome and lethal combo of her karate and rugby skills. Gazing at foreigners shot to new heights for our costumed party down down with Batman, Iron Man, and Hulk Hogan.

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(The map is interactive; use the controls or your mouse to zoom in/out and move around)

Sheetstain had the men’s hashit. He nominated STI and AP for dressing like superheroes but coming in last, Potty Mouth for giving the hashit back to Red Light Groove, and Duchess Blowhole for rocking her pink shoes. STI and AP won. At least they now had something to hold. Red Light Groove had the women’s hashit. She nominated STD for trying to steal it and failing, Kiel for giving himself a wedgie to show off his ass, and Fuck Up Train for having a hole in the penis area of his shorts. Kiel aka Hulk Hogan carried the day.

General penalties began with BBB for becoming a qualified hare. STI and Kiel showed off their perfect fu manchus. Brian announced that he was no longer responsible for his actions. Kali and Carlene were jazzercise twins straight from the eighties. Sheetstain, RLG, and STD each had 10 runs. Moaning Grinder had 40 runs. Boner Bender kept scratching her ass. Clam Jam is always the last person to the start. Finally we gave a last hash sendoff to The Itch and Pram Queen, and raised a glass for the passing of the one and only BOF.


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